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¤ Don't put your mobile closer to your ears until the recipient answers, Because directly after dialing, the mobile phone would use it's maximum signaling power, which is: 2watts = 33dbi. Please Be Careful. ¤ Please use left ear while using cell (mobile), because if you use the right one it may affect brain directly. This is a true fact from Apollo medical team. ¤ Do not drink APPYFIZZ. It contains cancer causing agent. ¤ Don't eat Mentos before or after drinking Coke or Pepsi coz the person will die immediately as the mixture becomes cyanide. ¤ Don't eat kurkure because it contains high amount of plastic if U don't believe burn kurkure and you will see plastic melting. ¤ Avoid these tablets as they are very dangerous: 1. D-Cold 2. Vicks action-500 3. Actified 4. Coldarin 5. Co some 6. Nice 7. Nimulid 8. Cetrizet-D They contain Phenyl- Propanol - Amide PPA. Which Causes strokes, and these tablets are banned in U.S. ¤ Cotton Ear Buds...
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10 Most Expensive Materials on Earth.

1. Antimatter - $62.5 trillion/gram. 2. Californium - 252 - $27 million/ gram. 3. Diamonds - $55,000/gram . 4. Tritium - $30,000/gram. 5. Taffeit - up to $20,000/gram or $4000/karat. 6. Painite - $9000/gram or $1800/ karat. 7. Plutonium - $4000/gram . 8. Platinum - $60/gram. 9. Rhodium - $58/gram. 10. Gold - $56/gram


1.) If you've got an itch in your throat, scratch your ear. When the nerves in the ear get stimulated, they create a reflex in the throat that causes a muscle spasm, which cures the itch. 2.) Having trouble hearing someone at a party or on the phone? Use your right ear it's better at picking up rapid speech. But, the left is better at picking up music tones. 3.) If you need to relieve yourself BADLY, but you're not anywhere near a bathroom, fantasize about RELATIONS. That preoccupies your brain and distracts it. 4.) Next time the doctor's going to give you an injection, COUGH as the needle is going in. The cough raises the level of pressure in your spinal canal, which limits the pain sensation as it tries to travel to your brain. 5.) Clear a stuffed nose or relieve sinus pressure by pushing your tongue against the roof of your mouth then pressing a finger between your eyebrows. Repeat that for 20 seconds it causes the vomer bone to rock, which loosens your

10 Reasons To Throw Out Your Microwave Oven

1. Continually eating food processed from a microwave oven causes long term — permanent — brain damage by "shorting out" electrical impulses in the brain, de- polarizing or de-magnetizing the brain tissue. 2. The human body cannot metabolize the unknown byproducts created in microwaved food. 3. Male and female hormone production is shut down and/or altered by continually eating microwaved foods. 4. The effects of microwaved food by-products are permanent within the human body. 5. Minerals, vitamins, and nutrients of all microwaved food is reduced or altered so that the human body gets little or no benefit, or the human body absorbs altered compounds that cannot be broken down. 6. The minerals in vegetables are altered into cancerous free radicals when cooked in microwave ovens.. 7. Microwaved foods cause stomach and intestinal cancer tumors. This may explain the rapidly increased rate of colon cancer in America. 8. The prolonged eating of microwaved foods ca

20 Best Uses Of Coca-Cola That You Never Know.

1. Removes grease stains from clothing and fabric. 2. Removes rust; methods include using fabric dipped in Cola, a sponge or even aluminum foil. Also loosens rusty bolts. 3. Removes blood stains from clothing and fabric. 4. Cleans oil stains from a garage floor; let the stain soak, hose off. 5. Kills slugs and snails; the acids kills them. 6. Cleans burnt pans; let the pan soak in the Cola, then rinse. 7. Descales a kettle (same method as with burnt pans) 8. Cleans car battery terminals by pouring a small amount of Cola over each one. 9. Cleans your engine; Cola distributors have been using this technique for decades. 10. Makes pennies shine; soaking old pennies in Cola will remove the tarnish. 11. Cleans tile grout; pour onto kitchen floor, leave for a few minutes, wipe up. 12. Dissolves a tooth; Use a sealed container…takes a while but it does work. 13. Removes gum from hair; dip into a small bowl of Cola, leave a few minutes. Gum will wipe off. 14. Removes st

7 Quotes By Steve Jobs That Can Change Your Life.

1. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle. As with all matters of the heart, you’ll know when you find it. And like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on.. 2. Deciding what not to do is as important as deciding what to do. 3. I think if you do something and it turns out pretty good, then you should go do something else wonderful, not dwell on it for too long. Just figure out what’s next. 4. Quality is much better than quantity. One home run is much better than two doubles. 5. Sometimes when you innovate, you make mistakes. It is best to admit them quickly, and get on with improving your other innovations. 6. If you want to live your life in a creative way, as an artist, you have to not look back too much. You have to be willing to take whatever you’ve done and whoever you were and throw them away. 7. We don’t get a chance to do that many things, and everyone should be really excellent. Because this is our life. Lif


1. SMILE :- This is the essential prerequisite to any communication in the professional world as in everyday life. 2. BE SHORT :- All recruiters will ask you to summarize your profile and experiences. Present your point briefly and in relation to the proposed position. 3. START FROM THE BEGINNING :- Speak about your initial education, it is a small but important point. Then talk about your experience from past to present. 4. EXPLAIN YOUR CHOICES :- Why you chose your university education, your first job. For each change, explain "why you left" and "why you chose your new employer". 5. SPEAK OPENLY :- About what you have gained from each experience, project, … both personally and professionally. 6. BE SPECIFIC :- About what motivates you. The situations, products, environments, personalities, etc. And explain why. 7. UNDERSTAND :- About the position that is to be filled. Ask the key questions in the first interview. Ask the more detailed questio

Top 10 Things Everyone Needs To Know About Breakups.

1. It’s alright to break up even if nothing bad happened. A lot of times we wait until something terrible happens to break up with someone. I recently broke up with a boyfriend, and for the first time, it was before someone cheated, before someone did something unrepairable. At first it was hard because I had no solid reason to feel anger and resentment, which I really could have used to get over him, but in the end we were able to both move. 2. Unfollow them. You don’t need to see what he’s doing and who he’s seeing. As soon as you break up, unfriend him from Facebook, unfollow him from Instagram, remove him from Twitter and say goodbye to whatever the fuck else he’s on. 3. Sweat out your emotions. There were a lot of nights I spent feeling sad or anxious after my break up. Until I joined a gym. Once I started pouring my pent up emotions onto the treadmill I started feeling empowered and in control of my emotions. Of course there are those emotions that just sneak up on y

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